A wall uses diffuse reflection while a mirror uses specular reflection. For example, when parallel light rays enter a mirror, they remain parallel when exiting the mirror, allowing you to see a reflection of the light rays. On the contrary, when incident light rays enter a wall which is painted, the rays scatter, not allowing you to see anything but a painted wall.

According to Pascal's Law, the pressure transmitted from input pedal to the output plunger must be same:

F₁ = Load lifted by output plunger = 2100 N
F₂ = Force applied on input piston = 44 N
r₁ = radius of output plunger
r₂ = radius of input piston

When doing the math we figure out that e is going to be slowing down at -4m/s² for 5 seconds. In total he is slowing down -20m/s which we take from the total speed of +25m/s to get his current new speed.
Option B. Coulomb Repulsion
The reason for the heavy nucleus not being able to follow the trend or the N= Z line is because of the fact that as the atomic number, Z of an atom increases, the number of protons inside the atom also increases. Since the neutrons are charge less particles whereas the protons are positively charged particle and hence as these increases in number there is an increase in the repulsive force between the like charges, i.e., positively charged protons which is Coulomb repulsion.
Remains same
= Time period of oscillation
= mass
= spring constant
Time period of oscillation is given as

we know that as we move from earth to moon, the value of spring constant "k" and mass "m" remains unchanged because they do not depend on the acceleration due to gravity.
Time period depends on spring constant inversely and directly on the mass.
hence the time period remains the same.