id say that it could occur but also not as much. the moon would be smaller and further from the earth to where we would barely be able to see it. if the full moon is barely visible then im sure the total solar eclipse wouldn't be as noticeable as it is now. but thats just my opinion
Answer:Hydrogen is placed such because it exhibits some similar characteristics of both group1 and group VII elements.
The reason why hydrogen is similar to group 1 metals:
#It has same valence electron and inorder achieve octet state it can lose that electron and forms H+ ion
#It acts as a good reducing agent similar to group1 metals
#It can also halides
Similarity to halogens:
#hydrogen can also gain one electron to gain noble gas configuration. It can combine with other non metals to form molecules with covalent bonding.
#It exists as diatomin molecule,H2
#Have the same electronegativity nature
#its reaction with other metal
potassium contains both Ionic and covalent bonds