Permanent felony conviction on your criminal record.
Financial restitution if DUI involves an accident, property damage or personal injury
Up to 50 hours community service or fee of $10 per hour of service.
Minimum fine of upto $1000 or $2000, that is if your blood alcohol level was 0.15% or more than this, or you were driving with a minor in the vehicle.
Imprisonment of upto 9 months, if the blood alcohol level was over 0.15% or idf the DUI resulted in ana accident or crash, jail time is increased to one year.
Mandatory imprisonment for not less than 10 days if your second DUI conviction occurs within 5 years of the date of the prior DUI conviction.
180 days to one year probation.
Maximum of 5 years driver's license revocation.
Up to 30 days impoundment of vehicle.
Ignition interlock device.
Criminal record stating adjudication of guilt.