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Many organic compounds have low melting points. This is due to the fact that many of these compounds are non polar.
However, compound X is slightly polar but still has a melting point which is far less than that of sand composed of a high melting point inorganic material.
Since sand has a much higher melting point compared to compound X, the researcher need not be worried that sand was spilled into his beaker.
Scientific questions and hypotheses come up frequently while one is engaged in investigating a scientific phenomenon such as natural geological phenomena as may occur in geological mapping in the field. For example, there may be a question does this canyon or deeply incised valley which is quite straight follow a weakness in the earth's crust like a major fault or the direction of bedding in well bedded sedimentary rocks. In a particular topographic area, some hypotheses which may be developed is that valleys follow geological structure whereas ridges follow resistant rocks like quartzites or quartz sandstones or in the ocean, points or capes may represent resistant quartz sandstones and bays may represent weak soft shales recessively weathering
2 Answers. The column is filled with the carrier (liquid or gas) before the sample is injected. Thus if there is no interaction between the sample and the column, then the fastest that the sample can get to the detector is the dead time denoted by tM in the diagram.
A chemical bond is a lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds. The bond may result from the electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions as in ionic bonds or through the sharing of electrons as in covalent bonds.
Water goes into the sky by condensation I think