The conversion for km to inches is:
Now we can solve for 56 km..
56km=<span> 2204725.6in
25 mm = 0 deg C
200 mm = 100 deg C
200 - 25 = 175 = change in thread per 100 deg C
95 - 25 = 70 mm - change in thread from 0 deg C
70 / 175 * 100 = 40 deg C final temperature at 95 mm
answer a, 4
when the 4 is before the compound it applies to the whole compound
we know that center of mass is given as
r = (m₁
+ m₂
)/(m₁ + m₂)
taking derivative both side relative to "t"
dr/dt = (m₁ d
/dt + m₂ d
/dt)/(m₁ + m₂)
v = (m₁
+ m₂
)/(m₁ + m₂)
taking derivative again relative to "t" both side
dv/dt = (m₁ d
/dt + m₂ d
/dt)/(m₁ + m₂)
a= (m₁
+ m₂
)/(m₁ + m₂)