
For sound waves we have v=d/t where v is the speed of sound and d the distance between the astronauts, while for electromagnetic waves we have c=D/t where c is the speed of light and D the distance between the spaceship and Earth. <em>We have written both times as the same</em> because is what is imposed by the problem, so we have t=d/v=D/c, which means:

And for our values:


We are asked to find the force being applied to a book. According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, force is the product of mass and acceleration.

The mass of the book is 0.75 kilograms and the acceleration is 0.3 meters per square second. Substitute these values into the formula.


1 kilogram meter per second squared is equal to 1 Newton. Therefore, our answer of 0.225 kilogram meters per second squared is equal to 0.225 Newtons.

<u>0.225 Newtons of force</u> are applied to the book.
Albedo is a unit-less, non-dimensional quantity that shows how well a surface reflects solar energy. The value of albedo can vary from 0 to 1, 0 being the black and 1 refers to a white surface. Zero means Surface is a perfect absorber i.e. it absorbs all the incoming rays incidents on it. Albedo 1 means the surface is a perfect reflector.
Albedo usually applies for visible light, even though it may involve some of the infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The average albedo associated with earth surface is 30%
the ans is D... good luck
The force on the ball is the same