Newtons are used to measure force

Since the system is in international space station
so here we can say that net force on the system is zero here
so Force by the astronaut on the space station = Force due to space station on boy
so here we know that
mass of boy = 70 kg
acceleration of boy = 
now we know that

now for the space station will be same as above force

oone side at a time would be hot and the other oone
One side will be hot and the other cold no in-between
Il existe troi types de rayons produits lors de la désintégration des éléments radioactifs:
-- "particules alpha" . . . noyaux d'hélium, composés chacun de 2 protons et 2 neutrons
-- "rayons bêta" ou "particules bêta" . . . flux d'électrons
-- "rayons gamma" . . . rayonnement électromagnétique avec les longueurs d'onde les plus courtes connues et l'énergie la plus élevée
Carbohydrate, Fat and Protein