Quantitative statement provide us information regarding the quantity which can be measured or can be written down in numeric form.
Qualitative statement provide us information regarding the quality or trat which cannot be measured.
1) Water has density of 1 g/ml.
Water is colorless in color.
2) Carbon has 6 electrons , 6 protons and 6 neutrons in it atom.
Carbon is an element which has black color and non metal.
3) Iron has boiling point of 2,862 °C.
Iron is a metal and good conductor of electricity.
4)Hydrogen gas has two hydrogen atom in its molecule
Hydrogen gas is a colorless gas.
5) Sucrose is an organic molecule made up of three different atoms
:carbon, oxygen, hydrogen.
Sucrose is termed as table sugar which tastes sweet to our tongue.
6) Table salt is compound made up of two atoms of sodium and chlorine.
Table salt is white in color.
7) Mercury has melting point of -38.83 °C
Mercury is liquid at room temperature.
8) Gold has an atomic mass of 198.97 g/mol.
Gold is shinny hard metal.
9) Air contains 78% of nitrogen , 21 % of oxygen and 1 % of other gases.
Air is a colorless mixture of gases which are the integral of the Earth planet.