A ratio of equivalent units
A conversion factor is a ratio of equivalent units and depends on which units are to be converted.
For example we want to convert 275 [mm] to inches, so we have to find the right conversion factor to allow us to work that conversion.
275 [mm] = inches = ?
In this case the ratio is 1/25.4 = 0.039 [in/mm]
Acceleration of proton will be
We have given a proton is placed in an electric field of intensity of 700 N/C
So electric field E = 700 N/C
Mass of proton
Charge on proton
So electric force on the proton
This force will be equal to force due to acceleration of the proton
According to newton's law force is given by F = ma
So acceleration of proton will be
(Direction) for the fact that it will continue having the momentum at the constant speed in which the engines turned off.
The length of the boomerang is 0.364 m
The moment of inertia is:
md = 0.05 kg
mh = 0.12 kg
r = d/2 = 0.273/2 = 0.1365 m
The length of the boomerang is: