this measurement if feet is: 2.624672 ft
Notice that 80 cm can be expressed as 0.8 meters, and In order to convert from meters to feet, one needs to multiply the meter measurement times 3.28084. Therefore:
0.80 m can be written in feet as: 0.80 * 3.28084 feet = 2.624672 feet
The answer is: Motion!
Have a great day
The electrostatic attraction between the nucleus and the electron is given by:
k is the Coulomb's constant
Ze is the charge of the nucleus
e is the charge of the electron
r is the distance between the electron and the nucleus
This electrostatic attraction provides the centripetal force that keeps the electron in circular motion, which is given by:
m is the mass of the electron
v is the speed of the electron
Combining the two equations (1) and (2), we find
And solving for v, we find an expression for the speed of the electron: