D. It is personal in style.

Power is related to energy by the following relationship:

P is the power used
E is the energy used
t is the time elapsed
In this problem, we know that
- the power of the fan is P = 120 W
- the fan has been running for one hour, which corresponds to a time of

So we can re-arrange the previous equation to find E, the energy (in the form of thermal energy) released by the fan:

a. by collisions and mergers of planetesimals.
Inner planets are planets within 1.5 AU distance from the sun. These are called terrestrial planets because they are somewhat similar to Earth, mainly made of rocks.
The main ingredient of these planets are solar nebula and interstellar dust condensation of which leads to formation of small rock particles. These particles come close to each other under in the influence of gravity and other forces. As the mass of the particles increase they form planetesimals, these planetesimals eventually merge to form planets.
q.1 : Air near candle gets heated up and after this it rises by convection so the thermometer B will receive more heat than the thermometer A So, according to the given condition thermometer B will show a greater rise in temperature.
q.2 : x is the pure sample of compound
. y is the pure sample of element
. z is the mixture of different elements
q.3 : the saliva contains an enzyme salivary amylase (ptyalin) which converts starch in roti into maltose, isomaltose and small dextrins called a-dextrin.

Since, Alex is at rest. Therefore, the speed measured by him will be the absolute speed of car P. Therefore, taking easterly direction as positive:
And the absolute velocity of Barbara's Car is given as:
Now, for the velocity of Car p with respect to the velocity of Barbara's Car can be given s follows: