1➡️ this is the method of decomposition
2➡️ H2 and O2
3➡️ b
sorry if I am wrong

The Free Body Diagram of the system is presented in the image attached below. The final speed is determined by means of the Principle of Energy Conservation and the Work-Energy Theorem:

c. The coefficient of kinetic friction is less than the coefficient of static friction
When the box finally does break loose. Then the component of the box weight which is parallel to the board weight parallel component, is equal to the

For the box to acce;erate thee must be non-zero net force acting on the box parallel to the board. Or we can say,

Therefore the force of kinetic friction must be less than the force of static friction. Thus,

Because the frictional force between the orange skin peel is great enough when you are walking for it to be carried on the tray, along with the gravitational force downwards onto the tray. When you stop, the force that you exerted moving forward it the same as on the tray and on the orange. So when you stop, the force is still on the orange as the same velocity as your we’re traveling, while the tray and you stop.
a one bucket with full of sand because of it's mass which plays role in momentum