La energía mareomotriz se produce gracias al movimiento generado por las mareas, esta energía es aprovechada por turbinas, las cuales a su vez mueven la mecánica de un alternador que genera energía eléctrica, finalmente este último esta conectado con una central en tierra que distribuye la energía hacia la comunidad.
The elevation in reservoir at the rate of flow using is 03m/s is 114m.
The Reynolds range is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. The Reynolds variety is a dimensionless variety used to categorize the fluids structures in which the impact of viscosity is crucial in controlling the velocities or the flow sample of a fluid.
The reason of the Reynolds number is to get a few experience of the relationship in fluid glide between inertial forces (this is those that maintain going by using Newton's first law – an item in motion stays in movement) and viscous forces, this is people who cause the fluid to come back to a forestall because of the viscosity of the fluid.
Let L = 100 m pipe
L1 = 150 m pipe
H f = friction losses
Using Reynolds number, relative roughness, friction co- effiicients and friction losses
Substitute the value in equation
Z = 110= 0.48= 3.54
Z = 114m
Therefore water surface elevation at reservoir is 114 meter.
Learn more about rate of flow
This is a way of measuring how much gravity there is. The formula is: weight/mass = gravitational field strength.
Gravitational field strength = Weight/mass unit is N/kg
Weight = mass x gravitational field strength unit is N
On Earth the gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg. Other planets have different gravitational field strengths. The Moon has a gravitational field strength of 1.6 N/kg. You might have seen films of astronauts leaping high on the moon.
Here on Earth, if I jump I am pulled back to ground by gravity. What is my weight? My mass is 80kg and if we multiply by gravitational field strength (10N/kg) - my weight is 800N. Now if I go to the moon, my mass will be the same, 80kg. We multiply that by the moon's gravitational field strength, which is 1.6 N/ kg. That means my weight on the moon is 128N. So I have different weights on the Earth and on the Moon. That's why astronauts can jump high into the air on the moon - they're lighter up there.
Jupiter is a very large planet with strong gravitational field strength of 25 N/ kg. My body is 80kg. If I go to Jupiter my weight is going to be 25 x 80 = 2,000 N. That means I wouldn't be able to get off the ground or stand up straight! I would probably be lying down all the time there. So weight varies depending on which planet you are on. You can find out more yourself by looking up tables of weight on different planets.