They are averages.
atomic numbers on periodic tables are derived from the average value of all the isotopes of the element. So being averages they are sometimes not integers.
shared to form an ionic bond.
I hope this helps!
Flourine has atomic number of 9 and hence 9 electrons in its neutral state. The full electronic configuration is given as;
1s2 2s2 2p5
Carbon has atomic number of 6 and hence 6 electrons in it's neutral state. The noble gas notation as the following format;
[closest noble gas before the element] remaining electrons
The nearest noble gas to carbon is Helium, the noble gas notation is given as;
[He] 2s4
Its magnifying power is: 4X 5X 9X 20X. A 4-inch, f/5 telescope has a 1-inch eyepiece focal. Its magnifying power is 9x. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.