alcohol thermometers are used rather than Mercury thermometers in very cold regions because alcohol has a lower freezing point than Mercury.
Answer: F
Out of the page.
For an electron with a charge of -e, the magnitude of the force on it is F = BeV
F = force on the electron
e = charge ( electrons )
V = velocity
B = magnetic field
F is the force acting on all the electrons in a wire which gives rise to the F = BIL
I = current
L = length of the wire
The force F is always at the right angle to the particle's velocity and its direction can be found using the left hand rule.
When the electron is moving in the plane of the page in the direction indicated by the arrow, the force on the electron is directed out of the page.
0.02 has two significant decimal figures, so start by shortening 1.0090 to 2 decimal places (3 significant figures). Round up the decimal to become 1.1 and add .02 to get 1.3.
The Coefficient of Performance of any system is denoted by COP=Q/W, where Q is the useful heat supplied or removed and W is the work required by the system. According to the first law of thermoddynamics Qh= Qc + W, where Qh is the heat transfered to the hot reservoir and Qc is the heat collected from the cold reservoir. Substituting the values for W and apllying the limitation for maximum theoretical efficiency we end up with the eqution shown below.
The Coefficient of Performance of air conditioner or COP is denoted by
COP(cool) = Tc/(Th- Tc)
where Tc: the lowest temperature
Th: the highest temperature
converting the values to Kelvin and adding them in the above equation
COP(cool) = (25+273)/((34+273)-(25+273))
= 298/(307-298)
= 298/9 = 33.11
From the question, it is stated that COP=SEER/3.4
hence, SEER= COP * 3.4
SEER= 33.11 * 3.4 = 112.58