1200 meters
there are 60 seconds in a minute times 2 is 120 ten times 120 is 1200
Density: g/mL, kg/cubic meter
Volume: L, teaspoon
Mass: g, MeV/sq. C
Answer: T is greater
Since the elevator is moving against gravity more work will be done on the rope
T= m(g+a)
One way to test the hypothesis is to create two waves, one in the air and one on the ground at the same time. One of them for the elephant to get closer and another for the elephants to move away. Observe the reaction of the animal and with this we know which sound came first.
This hypothesis is based on the fact that the speed of sound in air is v = 343 m / s with a small variation with temperature.
The speed of sound in solid soil is an average of the speed of its constituent media, giving values between
wood 3900 m / s
concrete 4000 m / s
fabrics 1540 m / s
earth 5000 m / s wave S
ground 7000 m / s P wave
we can see that the speed on solid earth is an order of magnitude greater than in air.
One way to test the hypothesis is to create two waves, one in the air and one on the ground at the same time. One of them for the elephant to get closer and another for the elephants to move away. Observe the reaction of the animal and with this we know which sound came first.
From the initial information, the wave going through the ground should arrive first.
It is possible to statically charge objects by rubbing it against carpet fibers, but I'm not sure if that was in the article that you read.
Static charge can build up via carpet fibers.