speed of Electron 
final speed of Electron 
distance traveled 
using equation of motion

where v=Final velocity
u=initial velocity

acceleration is given by 
where q=charge of electron
m=mass of electron
E=electric Field strength

Acceleration in m/s^2 = 2/10 = 0.2 m/s^2
One disorder would be ''Unisex'' of where a child born can suffer a disorder of where they are born with both male and female genitals on one gender. Doctors and the hospital can surgically remove the extra genital from the child.
The available options are:
Mint is a dicot.
Mint is a monocot.
Mint is an angiosperm.
Mint is a bulb plant.
Mint is a dicot.
Given the fact that Mint is considered to be a member of Lamiaceae, an angiosperm plant which is characterized by typically having leaves that consist of reticulate vacation and appears like veins in structure. It also has a seed that contains two cotyledons.
Hence, it is considered a DICOT PLANT due to these characteristics. The botanical name of Mint is referred to as Mentha arvensis.