The level of the service is loss and the density is 34.2248 pc/mi/ln
the solution is attached in the Word file
Answer / Explanation:
To proper understand the answers that is given to the question, we need to understand some basic terms that has been used in the question.
Energy: This can be refereed to as the quantitative property that is transferred to an object for the purpose of the object working or to heat up the object. It can also be referred to as conserved quantity that is energy can be converted from one form or state to another but cannot destroyed.
Power: This can be defined as the rate of doing work or transferring heat per unit time from one state to another. The SI Units of power is watt which is equal to one joule per second.
Hence, the formula that links energy and power is:
Energy = Power x Time
Now. referring back to the question (a) asking how much energy do we save if we execute at the current speed and turn off the system when the computation is complete: The answer is = 50%. That is 50% of the energy is saved.
(b) If we recall the formula for calculating energy,
we have:
Energy = 1 /2 Load x V²
Changing the frequency does not affect the energy.However, it affects the power.
So therefore, the new energy is 1 / 2 Load x ( 1/2 V)² ,
reducing it to about 1 /4 of the old energy.
In cutting action,three type of zone are presents
1.Primary zone :
The most of part of energy is converted in to heat.
2.Secondary zone:
Heat generation due to rubbing between tool and chip.This also called deformation zone.
3.Tertiary zone:
Heat generated due to flank of tool and already machined surface.
So the highest temperature is located close to the shear zone.
When your driver license is suspended you will be prohibited from driving for a specified length of time