CRABK DAT SOUIJA BOI LIKE OOOOO WATCH ME WATCH ME OOOO LASAGNA Can you lend me 700$ because I used my toaster as a bath heater and now my legs are gone plz I need money for bandaids

Find the tension TAC and magnitude R of this downward force.
First calculate 

<em>To Find tension in AC and magnitude R, use sine rule</em>.

Substitute values:

Solve for T_A_C:

Solve for R.

R = 10.06 kN
Tension AC = 6.296kN
Magnitude,R = 10.06 kN
Answer to the following question is as follow.
Civil engineering industrial development projects have a significant influence on the environment, particularly in terms of excessive noise, environmental pollution, and land shrinkage.
Engineers have totally transformed our environment, from contemporary dwellings to bridges, space flight, automobiles, and cutting-edge mobile technologies. Engineers utilise their expertise to build new and exciting prospects and address any difficulties that may occur, and they employ their innovative ideas to accomplish so.
Because when u spray it blows fibers into the air