For automobile emission, a uniform standard is preferred, because no unnecessary advantage is given by it to any company that is located in particular states where the regional standards are less severe.
Since pollution has its impact across the states and in the whole of the USA, then there should be uniform standards across all the states. It will also invalidate the impact of regional standards as a factor in the selection of plant locations for the automobile company. It means that a state offering less valid emission standards, will attract more companies to herself and it will be against the other states who care more about the natural environment. It can make more states to opt for the permissive emission standards, that will be more harmful to the USA as a country, than the good. So, a uniform standard is preferred to eliminate it as a factor in plant location decisions.
Yes, uniform standards are beneficial to everyone, because it will bring effective control upon the pollution level because there will be no state where the culprit firm can hide. Besides, it is more effective as efforts done towards environment conservation.
(1). False, (2). True, (3). False, (4). False, (5). True.
The term ''contouring'' in this question does not have to do with makeup but it has to deal with the measurement of all surfaces in planes. It is a measurement in which the rough and the contours are being measured. So, let us check each questions again.
(1). In contouring, it is necessary to measure position and not velocity for feedback.
(2). In contouring during 2-axis NC machining, the two axes are moved at the same speed to achieve the desired contour.
ANSWER: a=> True.
(3). Job shop is another term for process layout.
ANSWER: b => False
JOB SHOP IS A FLEXIBLE PROCESS THAT IS BEING USED during manufacturing process and are meant for job Production. PROCESS LAYOUT is used in increasing Efficiency.
(4). Airplanes are normally produced using group technology or cellular layout.
ANSWER: b => False.
(5). In manufacturing, value-creating time is greater than takt time.
ANSWER: a => True.
For this problem you must use 2 equations, the first is the continuity equation that indicates that all the mass flows that enter is equal to those that leave the system, there you have the first equation.
The second equation is obtained using the first law of thermodynamics that indicates that all the energies that enter a system are the same that come out, you must take into account the heat flows, work and mass flows of each state, as well as their enthalpies found with the temperature.
finally you use the two previous equations to make a system and find the mass flows
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