There are different ways to investigate density. In this required practical activity, it is important to:
record the mass accurately
measure and observe the mass and the volume of the different objects
use appropriate apparatus and methods to measure volume and mass and use that to investigate density
A. Na2S + 2KCI - 2NaCl + KZS
B) a rock being tossed high into the air
a. Light pollution refers to light used for human activities that brightens the sky and hinders astronomical observations.
Light pollution is due to the excessive and misdirected use of artificial light. Light bulbs are often design in an incorrect way, since a great part of its light is not completely directed to the ground and an important percentage is emitted to the sky in where will be scattered and reflected back to ground by the particles in the atmosphere. That brings as an effect a sky glow, therefore the visibility of astronomical objects will be extremely reduce.
Hence, professional astronomical research and amateur observations will be affected. Light pollution has a negative impact on bird migration at night and in the health of difference species, humans also.