Following are the solution to this question:
The number of vacancies by the cubic meter is determined.

Ammonia gas a hazardous gas to our health, when we are exposed to it for a long time. The gas is lighter than air, that means it's high concentration may not be noticed at the point of leakage, because it flows with the wind direction. Ammonia gas detector are used to determine the concentration of the gas at a particular place. We can use the dispersion modelling software program to know the exact position, where we can place the gas detector, which would be where evacuation is needed.
During evacuation, when the concentration of the gas has increased, a self-contained breathing apparatus should be used for breathing, and an encapsulated suit should be worn to prevent ammonia from reacting with our sweat or any other chemical burn. A mechanic ventilation will also be needed in the place of evacuation, so that the ammonia concentration in that area can be dispersed.
There are three common methods of charging a battery; constant voltage, constant current and a combination of constant voltage/constant current with or without a smart charging circuit.
Constant voltage allows the full current of the charger to flow into the battery until the power supply reaches its pre-set voltage. The current will then taper down to a minimum value once that voltage level is reached. The battery can be left connected to the charger until ready for use and will remain at that “float voltage”, trickle charging to compensate for normal battery self-discharge.
Constant current is a simple form of charging batteries, with the current level set at approximately 10% of the maximum battery rating. Charge times are relatively long with the disadvantage that the battery may overheat if it is over-charged, leading to premature battery replacement. This method is suitable for Ni-MH type of batteries. The battery must be disconnected, or a timer function used once charged.
Constant voltage / constant current (CVCC) is a combination of the above two methods. The charger limits the amount of current to a pre-set level until the battery reaches a pre-set voltage level. The current then reduces as the battery becomes fully charged. The lead acid battery uses the constant current constant voltage (CC/CV) charge method. A regulated current raises the terminal voltage until the upper charge voltage limit is reached, at which point the current drops due to saturation.