A safety margin is the space left between your vehicle and the next to provide room, time and visibility at every instant
A safety margin is defined as an allowance given between your vehicle and the next vehicle in front to provide enough room, visibility and time to move in a safe manner to prevent the occurrence of an accident at anytime the frontal vehicle suddenly stops or slows down
Safety margins help minimize risks in the following way
1) A common knowledge of safety margins, improves predictability among road users, thereby minimizing the risk traffic accidents caused due to late communication
2) The use of safety margins helps minimize the risk due to a change in driving conditions such as when the road becomes more slippery from being covered with fluid that is being wetted
3) Safety margin can help prevent the occurrence of an accident between vehicles due to failure of a car system, such as a punctured tire or failed breaking system
4) Safety margin helps to protect road users from the introduction of obstacles on the main roads such as ongoing road construction, broken down vehicles, road blockage by vehicles involved in an accident etc
5) Safety margin help protect road users from being involved in an accident due to the loss of driving focus of the driver of the frontal vehicle
A solid state laser contains a cavity like structure fitted with spherical mirrors or plane mirrors at the end filled with a rigidly bonded crystal. It uses solid as the medium. It uses glass or crystalline materials.
It is known that active medium used for this type of laser is a solid material. This lasers are pumped optically by means of a light source which is used as a source of energy for the laser. The solid materials gets excited by absorbing energy in the form of light from the light source. Here the pumping source is light energy.
The angle of twist can be computed using the material’s shear modulus if and only if the shear stress is still in the elastic region
The shear modulus (G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. Like the modulus of elasticity, the shear modulus is governed by Hooke’s Law: the relationship between shear stress and shear strain is proportional up to the proportional limit of the material. The angle of twist can be computed using the material’s shear modulus if and only if the shear stress is still in the elastic region.
Pressure = 11.38 psi
Force = 13.981 Ibf
Step by step solution is in the attached document.
Rate of heat transfer to river=1200MW
So the actual amount of heat rejected ti the river will be less as there will some heat loss to surrounding and in pipes
In order to find the actual heat transfer rate is lower or higher than its value we will first find the rate of heat transfer to power plant:

From First law of thermodynamics:
Rate of heat transfer to river=heat transfer to power plant-work done
Rate of heat transfer to river=2000-800
Rate of heat transfer to river=1200MW
So the actual amount of heat rejected ti the river will be less as there will some heat loss to surrounding and in pipes.