<span>Back in the day, one measured a printer's speed in CPM, which stands for characters per minute. Most of the modern printers that exist today, including the inkjet printer measure their speed in PPM, which is also known as pages per minute.</span>
B. 450 feet
Due to the angle at which high beam headlights illuminate, they can illuminate the road for about 450 feet.
I know the first one is C.) 4J. I don't know of the answer for the second oneis suppose to be in N/m form? but I got
Answer: 0.455 m/s^2
f = ma = m x 9.8=689 (the mass is constant)
m = 78.3
now on the elevator
f = 721 = m x a
a= 10.26
the elevator is moving down because there is a increase in weight. the acceleration of elevator = 10.26-9.8 = 0.455