During cytokinesis, the cytoplasm of the cell is divided in half, and the cell membrane grows to enclose each cell, forming two separate cells as a result. The end result of mitosis and cytokinesis is two genetically identical cells where only one cell existed before.
Answer:The term atomic number, conventionally denoted by the symbol Z, indicates number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom, which is also equal to the number of electrons in an uncharged atom. The number of neutrons is represented by the neutron number (N)
Sure, if the mortality (death) rate is even higher than the birth rate.
A neutron star has more mass than a bowling ball,
and is about the same size as Chicago.
a moving object will keep moving if not stopped
the sun being at the center of the solar system
Galileo is known for being the first person make a telescope, there fore being the first person to see that the sun is in the center of the solar system. he also came up with the theory that if something is pushed, it would keep moving until stopped by another force. For example, say you drop your pencil, it keeps falling until it hits the ground. That is exactly what Galileo did in his Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment and found that theory to be true.