uhhhhh, are you kidding? a GTX 3060 is far better than a 1060 ding dong
Complete Question
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Marcus would have to take an exam administered by the national council of examiners for engineering and surveying.
Civil engineers design, construct, and maintain projects regarding infrastructure. A civil engineer also looks after the systems in the public and private sectors like roads, buildings, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.
In order to pursue a career in civil engineering, Marcus aims to work for the city council as a civil engineer. Therefore, he would have to take an exam administered by the national council of examiners for engineering and surveying.
1. Renewable Resources = (Renewable means you can keep making it) = resources that can be replenished (such as trees)
2. Nonrenewable Resources = ( Nonrenewable means it can't be made once it is used up) = resources that are gone once they are used (such as fossil fuels)
3. Producer = ( produces something) = person who makes goods or provides services
4. Consumer = ( uses something) = person whose wants are satisfied by using goods and services
5. Allocate = ( put someplace) = distribute
6. Choice = option