Properties like atomic number, valency etc...
because potential energy is created with the position of a body when you pick up something the thing will have stored energy which is transferred from you so the stored energy is potential energy created by the position of a body that when you see over your head you scared of that thing not to bit you because it has stored energy if you see the thing already failed on the ground you wouldn't scared of that because the enery is already gone
Hope help you
hi aria
good morning
Fill the blank honestly
1.Any Nick name for me_____? special habit_____?
3.if my phone was with u what will u check_____?
4.good thing in me____?
5.bad thing in me_____?
6. Any questions do u want to ask me_____?
7.which color suits me most__?
8.Do u like me(25%,50%,75%,100%)____?
9.who am to u __ ___?
10.any secret do u want to tell me_____?
11.first impression on me_____?
Answer:Reaccionan 54gr de Nitrato de plata al 39 % de pureza, con 72gr de ácido clorhídrico al 83% de pureza, en un proceso donde se obtienen 93 gr de cloruro de - 154… ... 93 gr de cloruro de plata. El otro producto es el ácido nítrico: Calcular el porcentaje de rendimiento de la reacción y balancearlo.