Mostly about what it can do with its trunk! also about how strong it is or evan how long! love to help!
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exceeds evaporation over land
Precipitation<u> exceeds evaporation over land </u>
- <em><u>In order to maintain earths water balance, evaporation exceeds precipitation over oceans but precipitation exceeds evaporation over land.</u></em>
- Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the ocean and to a much lesser extent from the continents. Winds transport this moisture-laden air, often great distances, until conditions cause the moisture to condense into clouds and to precipitate and fall.
- Most precipitation originates by evaporation from the oceans. Over time, water evaporated from the oceans is replenished by inflow of freshwater from rivers and streams.
A desinfecção
A desinfecção é o processo no qual o cloro é adicionado para matar microorganismos patogênicos prejudiciais, como bactérias, vírus, etc. Este é um processo químico e biológico. alguns desinfetantes comuns são cloro, dióxido de cloro e ozônio.