The correct classification of characteristics according to the camera model is:
Professional Camera:
has interchangeable lenses
uses charge-coupled devices (CCD)
provides quality videos at a great price is bigger and heavier and may need additional support to carry
Consumer Camera:
provides quality videos at a great price
is mostly automatic
records using tape only
The reasons behind this answer are the following but first of all, we need to say that we are talking about very old cameras. Around 20-year-old gear, so this is very inaccurate to modern cameras. Now, the first reason to classify these matches like we have done it is that in the first place professional cameras that used CCD were really big and required additional supports to be carried, such as tripods, chest munt, or even little cars called dollies. Now we use scorpions and something smaller and lighter. Second, consumer cameras only recorded in tape, back in the day we had no DVD, no memory stick, or even hard drive. The only tape for consumer cameras as the other resources were too expensive to be included on them.