Modern whales evolved by natural selection over long time periods through descent from common ancestors
According to the evolutionary theory proposed by Darwin, natural selection is a biological process by which organisms adapt and change in response to their environment. In this case, ancient whales that were better suited to environmental conditions survived and produced more offspring than non-adapted individuals. In consequence, predominant adaptive traits observed in modern whales were favored by natural selection in the past, while unsuccessful phenotypes progressively disappeared.
The density of CO2 getting from experiment is 0.1/0.056 = 1.79 g/L. The percent error of this is (1.96 -1.79)/1.96*100%=8.67%. So the approximate percent error is 8.67%.
The mass of an atom is dependent on its number of protons and neutrons. Electrons have mass, but are too light in comparison to protons and neutrons to contribute towards the overall mass. Their relative mass is about 1/1840 compared to 1 for protons and neutrons, and therefore are not counted in the mass.
Hope this helped!
A) Humans are made up of many cells while Bacteria are single-celled orginisms. We can reproduce, take energy and have the ability to move around
Answer: D.
Explanation: D. Acetone, Acetone may be rinsed over materials to wash off the explosive residue.
Hope this helps :)