b. The normal force between the molecules of the paper is overcome by the contact force of the hands.
The paper molecules are held together by a weak bond. When the student holds the paper on both sides with the center of the paper in between, the student applies two equal forces in the opposite direction of the paper making the paper molecules weaken and separate.
This distance is known as the amplitude of the wave, and is the characteristic height of the wave, above or below the equilibrium position. Normally the symbol A is used to represent the amplitude of a wave. The SI unit of amplitude is the metre (m).
Answer : When a person applies force and covers distance then the person is doing work on an object.
Machine Efficiency
Efficiency is the percent of work put into a machine by the user (input work) that becomes work done by the machine (output work). The output work is always less than the input work because some of the input work is used to overcome friction. Therefore, efficiency is always less than 100 percent