a. burning of fossil fuel
Greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun infrared rays in the outermost layer of the earths atmosphere due to the accumulation of some harmful gasses. This gases depletes the ozone layer
The major contributor of greenhouse gases is the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxides are released into the atmosphere and leads to global warming and climatic changes per time
A child climbing a ladder is transforming kinetic energy into potential energy.
Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at a specific instant in time. I bet you are taking Honors Physics.
Pulmonary Arteries: Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. Superior Vena Cava: A large vein that delivers deoxygenated blood from the upper body into the heart. Hope this helps
Franklin had been waiting for an opportunity like this. He wanted to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning, and to do so, he needed a thunderstorm.
He had his materials at the ready: a simple kite made with a large silk handkerchief, a hemp string, and a silk string. He also had a house key, a Leyden jar (a device that could store an electrical charge for later use), and a sharp length of wire. His son William assisted him.
Franklin had originally planned to conduct the experiment atop a Philadelphia church spire, according to his contemporary, British scientist Joseph Priestley (who, incidentally, is credited with discovering oxygen), but he changed his plans when he realized he could achieve the same goal by using a kite.