Dry ice undergoes sublimation, an endothermic change at room temperature.
Answer:asexual- Energy is not required to find a mate. Offspring are genetic clones. A negative mutation can make asexually produced organisms susceptible to disease and can destroy large numbers of offspring. Some methods of asexual reproduction produce offspring that are close together and compete for food and space.
Explanation:During sexual reproduction the genetic material of two individuals is combined to produce genetically diverse offspring that differ from their parents.
B - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom
The sediments accumulating on and around mid-ocean ridges are mostly formed from the calcareous and siliceous tests of pelagic organisms. This research is concerned with understanding how the rate of sediment supply varies from place to place due to varied productivity of pelagic organisms, how the sediments accumulate on the complex topography of a mid-ocean ridge, and with using the sediments to study mid-ocean ridge processes such as faulting and volcanism.
Sediment transport and accumulation
When pelagic materials reach the seafloor, they are redistributed by bottom currents and by sedimentary flows. This work studied the form of the accumulation using sediment profiler records collected with a Deep Tow system from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography deployed over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the early 1970s. The records showed that both sets of transport processes are important. The shapes of deposits were studied to see to what extent they conform to the diffusion transport model - many deposits have parabolic surfaces, which are the steady state forms expected from the diffusion transport model under boundary conditions of constant input or output flux to basins.
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