áp dụng công thức v = s/t
s là dộ dài qduong
v là vận tốc
t là thời gian
xuyên suốt 2 câu hỏi đều dùng công thức này
The football and air resistance between contact
The family may be addicted to technology by using their cellphones to communicate is still communicating in a way, but it would be better to use social face- to - face interactions.
The pendulum frequency is (c) the same, or very close to it
The simple pendulum corresponds to a simple harmonic movement, to reach this approximation in the expression of the force the sine of the angle (θ) approaches an angle value, this is only true for small angles, generally less than 15º
Sine (15th) = 0.2588
The angle in radians is 15º π / 180º = 0.26180.2588 / 0.2618
The difference between these two values is less than 1.2%
for smaller angle the difference is reduced more
Therefore, the period for both the 5º and 10º angles is almost the same