-it will move away from the large ball because like charges repel.
-Electric force is the force that pushes apart two like charges, or that pulls together two unlike charges. The basic law of electrostatics Like charges of electricity repel each other, whereas unlike charges attract each other.
When small, positively charged ball is moved close to a large, positively charged ball it would be pushed away from the large positively charged ball since they are both positively charged. One has to put in energy to try to move the small ball closer to the large ball. The closer one try to move it to the large ball, the more energy one has to put in, so the more electrical potential energy the small ball would have.


For transitions:

Thus solving it, we get:

h is Plank's constant having value 
c is the speed of light having value 



That will depend on the coefficient of friction between the sliding surfaces, and also on Zak's weight. We don't have any of that information.
So therefore 75/0.050= acceleration
So the answer is a= 1500 metres per second per second
The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer moving relative to its source. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler.