The Lydia Bourouiba is recorded is around more than the 100 sneezes and coughs cases.
Lydia Bouroubia was a mathematical physicist who does experiments on sneezes and coughs. She was a leading expert in coughs and sneezes. Sneezing is a phenomenal activity that occurs in our body to excrete the dust particles and germs.
The disease also spread through it. Lydia thought that her research will help people related to their health. It will help in stopping epidemics in public. It is a type of outbreak of disease at a bigger level in the public.
answer of your question is 4th
Frequency = speed of light
= 3 x 10^8
344 x 10^-9
= 8.72 x 10^14 Hz.
Hope this helps!
In order to form new molecules, a chemical reaction would have to occur which means the change would be a chemical change.
Answer:1:En química, el número másico o número de masa es la suma del número de protones y el número de neutrones del núcleo de un átomo. Se simboliza con la letra A (el uso de esta letra proviene de alemán Atomgewicht, que quiere decir peso atómico, aunque sean conceptos distintos que no deben confundirse).