Are less reactive
Alkaline-earth metals are to the right of alkali metals.
An electrode is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part of a circuit The word was coined by William Wheel at the request of the scientist Michael Faraday from the Greek words electron, meaning amber and hods, a way.
S + 4 Cl2
Sulphur - S
1 mol of Sulphur = S
Chlorine = Cl2
4 moles of Chlorine = 4Cl2
4S + 2Cl2
Incorrect option
S + 4 Cl2
Correct option
S + 2Cl2
Incorrect option
S + Cl2
Incorrect option
the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the mass flow rate.
There is an elementary equation from basic thermodynamics that states that the rate of heat transfer (Q) equals the mass flow rate (M) times a Constant (the specific heat of water) times the Delta T (fluid temp out minus fluid temp in): Q = M x C x Delta T In other words, the rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the mass flow rate.