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Physical sciences are those academic disciplines that aim to uncover the underlying laws of nature - often written in the language of mathematics. It is a collective term for areas of study including astronomy, chemistry, materials science and physics.
Never too early to start searching. Do some research about student savings versus parent savings though. If a student has savings, they will make you use it to pay for college, while the same amount of savings in the parents name may be exempt. Check it out.
The whole definition of frequency is: <em>How often something happens. </em>
Especially referring to something that happens over and over and over and over.
One example is Choice-C: How often the particles of a medium vibrate.
"Frequency" comes from the word "frequent". That means "often", and "frequency" just means "often-ness" ... HOW often the thing happens.
Some other examples:
Frequency of jump-roping . . . maybe 60 per minute .
Frequency of rain . . . maybe 5 per month .
Frequency of an AM radio station . . . maybe 1 million waves per second.
(If it's something <u><em>per second</em></u>, then we call it "Hertz". That's not for the car rental company. It's for Heinrich Hertz, the German Physicist who was the first one to prove that electromagnetic waves exist. He sent radio waves all the way ACROSS HIS LABORATORY and detected them at the other side ( ! ), in 1887.)
Frequency of the wiggles in the sound wave coming out of a trumpet playing the note ' A ' . . . 440 Hertz.
Frequency of sunrise and the Chicago Tribune newspaper . . . 1 per day
Frequency of the cycle of Moon phases and an average human woman's ovulation cycle: 1 per 29.531 days, 1 per ~28 days .
To calculate for the force in a spring, we use Hooke's Law which relates force and the displacement of the spring. It is said that the force is directly proportional to the displacement. So, it will have the equation F = kx where k is a constant and it is the spring constant.
F = kx
F = 45 N/m (0.03)
F = 1.35 N