If we look at the structure of 1-Bromopropane; we will see that it is a derivative of alkane family by the the substitution of an alkyl group. The position of the Bromine in the propane is 1, making 1-Bromopropane a primary alkyl-halide.
Primary alkyl - halide undergo SN2 mechanism. This nucleophilic reaction needs to be a strong alkyl halide , such as 1-Bromopropane used otherwise it will result to a reactive mechanism if a weak electrophile is used.
However, the critical and the main objective here is to Draw the major substitution product if the reaction proceeds in good yield. If no reaction is expected or yields will be poor, draw the starting material in the box. If a charged product is formed, be sure to draw the counterion.
The attached diagrams portraying this notions is shown in the attached file below.
The choices for this are as follows:
A) gases; solids
B) metals; nonmetals
C) nonmetals; metals
<span>D) reactive; nonreactive
I think the correct answer is option B. The stair-step line between the pink squares and the yellow squares separates the metals from the nonmetals. Hope this helps.
do you have any vocabulary to help you with this or no
<span>The normal dividing line for soluble/not soluble is 0.1 M.
If a substance, as a saturated solution at room temp and pressure, cannot form a solution concentration of 0.1 M, then it is considered insoluble.
The 0.1 M figure was selected because _most_ substances are either well above that value or well below. Some substances (calcium hydroxide is one? not sure) come close to the 0.1 M dividing line but there are only a very few.</span><span>
but most likely it wont mix</span>