It is translational motion. i know because i found it on this site. its verified too, have a nice day
I am sorry can you explain it more?
Dado que:
Número de protones en el átomo X = 29
Carga en el átomo X = +2
Si no hay cargo neto;
número de protones = número de electrones
Sin embargo, dado que el átomo X tiene una carga de +2 (dando 2 electrones).
Por lo tanto,
Número de electrones = número de protones - número de carga en el átomo)
Número de electrones = (29 - 2) = 27

Since the <em>rate constant</em> has units of <em>s⁻¹</em>, you can tell that the order of the reaction is 1.
Hence, the rate law is:
Solving that differential equation yields to the well known equation for the rates of a first order chemical reaction:
You know [A]₀, k, and t, thus you can calculate [A].
![[A]=0.548M\times e^{-3.6\cdot 10^{-4}/s\times99.2s}](
aplha particle is the answer