overflow rate 20.53 m^3/d/m^2
Detention time 2.34 hr
weir loading 114.06 m^3/d/m
calculation for single clarifier

volume of tank

overflow rate =
Detention time
weir loading
Intranet is a network that is internal and use internet technologies. It makes information of any company accessible to its employees and hence facilitates collaboration. Same methods can be used to get information, use resources, and update the data as that of the internet.
Hopefully this helped.
Creep is known as the time dependent deformation of structure due to constant load acting on the body.
Creep is generally seen at high temperature.
Due to creep the length of the structure increases which is not fit for serviceability purpose.
When time passes structure gain strength as the structure strength increases with time so creep tends to decrease.
When we talk about Creep rate for new structure the creep will be more than the old structure i.e. the creep rate decreases with time.