a ) Benzoic acid is formed . In any alkyl benzene derivative , potassium permanganate reacts to form carboxylic acid . It oxidises side chains to carboxylic acid .
C₆H₅CH₃ + 0 = C₆H₅COOH + H₂O
O is provided by KMnO₄
b ) In this reaction isophthalic acid is formed .
C₆H₄(CH₃)₂ +O = C₆H₄(COOH)₂
In this oxidation , three side chains of ring are 1 ) 1-methyl 2 ) 3- butyl 3 ) 4 propyl .
The methyl and 4 - propyl groups are oxidised to di- carboxylic acid and 3 butyl group remains intact ( unoxidised )
Ans 1. Both
Ans 2. Once inside plants, carbon moves through food chains, where organisms become nutrients including herbivores, carnivores and ultimately, decomposers. Once buried in the soil, carbon can be converted into fossil fuels over long periods of time and then also reenter the atmosphere by combustion. The Law of Conservation of Matter states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. The carbon cycle is an example of the Law
Ans 3. Most of the chemical energy needed for life is stored in organic compounds as bonds between carbon atoms and other atoms. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed. Thus, just like matter energy is also conserved in the process.
Hope it helps
CERN uses a series of particle accelerators to accelerate protons to their end speeds in the LHC. The first accelerator is the linear accelerator Linac 2. At one end of Linac 2, hydrogen from a bottle is passed through an electric field to strip off the electrons, leaving positively charged protons.