
= Initial momentum of the pin = 13 kg m/s
= Initial momentum of the ball = 18 kg m/s
= Momentum of the ball after hit
= Angle ball makes with the horizontal after hitting the pin
= Angle the pin makes with the horizotal after getting hit by the ball
Momentum in the x direction

Momentum in the y direction

The pin's resultant velocity is 

The pin's resultant direction is
below the horizontal or to the right.
It can be a) 12Hz.................
The direction in which an electrical signal is carried in a typical multi-polar neuron is:
Dendrites, cell body, axon
Specialized projection of neurons are dendrites and axon. The central part of neuron is cell body. So, the electrical signal is carried in a direction that first dendrites carried the signal then it goes towards cell body and then to axon.