Answer: Metals are shiny and lustrous with a high density. They have very high melting and boiling points because metallic bonding is very strong, so the atoms are reluctant to break apart into a liquid or gas.
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Remember the saying: King Henry Drinks Dark Chocolate Milk. (KHD|DCM)
Draw an arrow from outside the cell (where there is only 1 water molecule) to inside that circle. Then color the water molecules that are labeled h2o:)
Holes in volcanic rocks illustrates a low pressure and rapid cooling environment(surface of the earth).
Holes in rocks are usually found in a special type of volcanic rock called pumice. The holes signifies a melt that has a lot of dissolved gases in them and they solidify rapid under surface temperature.
- Pockets of holes found in some rocks are as a result of trapped gases in cavities of a solidifying magma.
- The magma must erupt explosively so that the gases will not have enough time to escape.
- During an extrusive magma activity, the low pressure allows for dissolved gases to collects in cavities and magma cools rapidly around them due to the low surface temperature.
- The cavities left behind when the gases escape is the hole formed in volcanic rocks.
Learn more:
volcanic eruptions
lava volcanic dome
Am - it has an atomic number of 95 which is greater than 92.
Transuranium elements are elements with atomic levels greater than 92