Solder Bridges
Plating Voids
Non-wetting or dewetting.
Capillary action occurs When the adhesion to the walls stronger than dirt cohesive forces between a liquid molecules. the head towards Capillery action will take water in a uniform circular is limited by surface tension and, of course, gravity.
#include <stdio.h>
void SplitIntoTensOnes(int* tensDigit, int* onesDigit, int DecVal){
*tensDigit = (DecVal / 10) % 10;
*onesDigit = DecVal % 10;
int main(void) {
int tensPlace = 0;
int onesPlace = 0;
int userInt = 0;
userInt = 41;
SplitIntoTensOnes(&tensPlace, &onesPlace, userInt);
printf("tensPlace = %d, onesPlace = %d\n", tensPlace, onesPlace);
return 0;
Rock and orange juice
The mystery matter to be submerged in water must be a solid, therefore we can eliminate the Lemonade and Milk, and Orange juice and Helium, as these pairs do not contain solids. The graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid, therefore the only remaining option is Rock and Orange Juice.