All solutions are mixtures of two or more substances, but unless the mixture has a homogeneous distribution of solutes in the solvent, then the mixture is not a solution. Therefore, all mixtures are not solutions.
Answer: Flow rate is inversely proportional to viscosity.
Explanation: The relation is called Poiseuille's law, which describes the smooth flow of a fluid along a tube.
it will expand as water moves into it.
1: fluorine to form lithium fluoride
2:bcos covalent bond exists btw two non metals
3: bcos it is d combination of two or more elements nd elements r substances
4: for sbustances we hv flame test nd splint test
ionic compounds are held by strong electrostatic forces of attraction
In normal atmosphere, analytical reagents may absorb water molecules that may affect the results of chemical reactions. So, in order to get accurate results from these analytical regents, they must be stored in a dessicated atmosphere or heated before being used so that the water molecules must dry away.