The size of soil particles is important. The amount of open space between the particles influences how easily water moves through a soil and how much water the soil will hold. Too much clay, in proportion to silt and sand, causes a soil to take in water very slowly. Such a soil gives up its water to plants slowly.
Surface runoff and condensation
Let's define each of the given processes in order to understand them better:
- evaporation is a process in which liquid phase transforms into a gas phase;
- precipitation is a process in which we produce a solid phase, usually this is the case when we precipitate a salt out of a solution, analogy of precipitation for water would be transformation from a liquid to a solid phase, such as freezing;
- surface runoff is a process in which water flows over the surface of a land without any change in its phase;
- condensation is a process in which a gas transforms into a liquid.
All in all, notice that surface runoff keeps water in its liquid state, while all the other three options consider phase change. The only phase change of interest is condensation: we produce liquid water from water vapor and then we can analyze its movement in the liquid state.
mole=10 x 10⁻³ : 46 g/mol = 2.17 x 10⁻⁴
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. if you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich, "And the cause of not following your heart, is in spending the rest of your life wishing you had."
I need points so SORRY!
The head of a matchstick has a great deal of chemical energy stored in it, including combustible substances that produce a flame when rubbed against a suitable surface. ... As the combustible materials burn, some of the chemical energy is transformed into heat energy, and some is transformed into light energy. Hope this helps