First one is true second one is False
Viscosity is related to the parallel shear force acted by the fluid. In lay man's term, viscosity is the ease of how the fluid flows. The faster the flow is, the lower the viscosity (and vice versa). On the other hand, osmolarity pertains to the concentration of a component in a mixture expressed in number of solute particles per liter of the mixture.
For your second question its Diamonds,Rubys, Emeralds.
And for your first question its :Minerals are natural: These substances that form without any human help.
Minerals are solid: They don't droop or melt or evaporate.
Minerals are inorganic: They aren't carbon compounds like those found in living things.
Minerals are crystalline: They have a distinct recipe and arrangement of atoms.
The relationship of radiation with distance obeys the inverse square law. Therefore, doubling the distance decrease the radiation by a factor of 4. The new count is 250.
1) Applying the same principle, the count decreases by a factor of 100. The new count is 10
2) An alpha particle is 4He2 and the Hydrogen can be represented as 1H1
14N7 + 4He2 - 1H1
= 17X8
Proton number 8 belongs to Oxygen. Therefore, the resultant nucleus is:
3) 185Au79 - 4He2
= 181Ir77
4) X - 4He2 = 234Th90
X = 238U92
5) Beta emission results in the same nucleon number but an increase in the proton number; therefore, the result is:
=0.32 mil