the change in the direction of motion of a particle because of a collision with another particle. As defined in physics, a collision can occur between particles that repel one another, such as two positive (or negative) ions, and need not involve direct physical contact of the particles
For this experiment we are going to take plate 1 as the control plate, so, in it there will be just E. coli in LB/agar; in plate 2, we are going to put E. coli in LB/agar and some ampicillin. Then, we have to wait for the E. coli colonies to form. After a while, the E. coli growth can be compared on both plates and determine if ampicillin affects or not the E. coli colonies.
If the ampicillin affects negatively E. coli colonies, we are going to observe that in plate 1 (control plate) there are E. coli colonies growing, but in plate 2, there is no E. coli colonies or, at least, there is a fewer number of colonies on it. If ampicillin doesn't affect E.coli, plate 1 (control) and plate 2 (ampicillin experiment) are going to be similar in number of colonies.
I'm actually not sure... but maybe this will help!
Oxidation of nitrogen to nitrogen oxide in the channel of a lightning:
N₂ + O₂ = 2NO
oxidation of natural nitrogen oxide and of nitrogen oxide of combustion gases to nitrogen dioxide:
2NO + O₂ = 2NO₂
nitrogen dioxide reaction with moisture of air or rain water:
4NO₂ + O₂ + 2H₂O = 4HNO₃
A thing or substance used for a insulator, for example a substance that does not readily allow the passage of heat or sound