I’m a concrete mason myself and I can tell you it is a pain in the butt to Roto hammer a hole into the concrete to put the pipe in it’s a lot easier to just pour the concrete around it
The electric current from the batteries installed in a radio supplies direct current (DC) electricity to the radio components directly as an alternative source to the Alternating Current (AC) converted to DC by the power unit located at the radio end of the cable plugged into the wall outlet.
Part of the power unit in a radio includes an AC to DC converter, which is an electrical circuit that is able to convert the alternating current power input from the wall outlet into a direct current output to the radio with which the radio can work
The alternative source of electric current from the batteries installed in a radio bypasses the AC to DC converter and supplies power directly to the radio so it can also work.
Option (d) MEP and IHP
MEP stands for Mean Effective Pressure and IHP stands for Indicated Horse Power
In engines (Internal Combustion), engine indicator is generally to indicate the indicate the changes in pressure inside the cylinder of an Internal Combustion Engine or IC engines. Once, Mean Effective Pressure of the engine is calculated it further helps to calculate the Horse power and both these quantities, i.e., MEP and IHP are displayed on the engine indicator.
if it is not true it is false
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